The dolphins travel alongside the boat, weaving in and out of the bow wave… Some are leaping and spinning high in the air! You might even see Mum and baby couples keeping up with the speed of the boat! If the dolphins slow down to rest and play, and we feel we are invited in the ocean to BE where they swim… we slip gently into water. At last, a dream come true!. You are surrounded by wild and free dolphins in their natural habitat.

All levels of swimmers and non-swimmers are welcome. We provide support for those who are aquatically challenged, including a variety of flotation devices.

Our trips for disabled people go mainly to Hawaii but can also, depending on what kind if disability you have, be arranged to Bahamas and Azores, Portugal.

Dolphin therapy

In the view of many researchers, swimming with dolphins has a healing effect on human beings. That it has a positive effect is well-known but we do not know how. Treatment with so-called dolphin therapy has been carried out with wonderful effect on people with Down’s syndrome, autism and depression as well as on children with difficulties communicating.

People who have swum with dolphins have felt extremely calm. Dolphins have a capacity to unlock emotions that have been bottled up for a long time. Dolphins emit sounds with frequencies of between 1000 and 80 000 MHz but we are only able to hear frequencies between 1000 and 20 000 Hz. At 20 000 Hz our brain is induced to release endorphins, the joy hormones of our body.

It has been observed that if a dolphin stays in contact with a certain part of the human body, you may sometimes be able to ascertain cancer tumours or other defects. Using their sound waves, the dolphins are able to “see” the inner structure of our bodies.

During the 1970’s, dolphin researcher Betsy Smith discovered that dolphins have an excellent impact on autistic children and this led to projects world-wide. One renowned case is the boy Joey who had been paralysed and semi-blind after heart surgery. He became introverted but after about nine months of dolphin therapy, he was almost cured.

One well-known case is Bill Powell who had been using antidepressants for twelve years and had been unable to work and live a normal life. In cooperation with doctor Horace Dobbs he met the dolphin Fungie by the Irish coast. Bill Powell has himself claimed that the dolphin made him see the light in the tunnel – something which all doctors had failed to accomplish. Now Bill is sharing his knowledge at mental institutions in England.

Bob Dratch is a researcher who has studied the relationship between dolphins and man based on the communication system of the dolphins.” If you have a disease, physical or mental, you might be compared to a badly adjusted radio with crackling sounds disturbing the music. In that case, the dolphin emits the perfect signal so that the radio can readjust itself”, he says.